Yardscaping Handouts

Cumberland County Soil & Water Conservation District has put together a number of FREE resources and best practices that YOU can use to adopt healthier lawn practices, including planting native plans, planting waterfront butters, eliminate fertilizers, and more!

Visit their website directly, or check out some notable selection below.

Why Yardscape?

This helpful guide will provide you with an overview of best practices that you can start using this season. Click the oval to see the handout.

Native Plants

Native Maine plants thrive best in our landscape because they know how to survive in our climate and support our ecosystems (including our birds and pollinators). This guide will help you select native plants for your lawn. Click the oval to see the handout.

Mow Better

Taller grass has deeper roots which help prevent stormwater runoff. It also creates a more fertile environment for natural wildflowers that support pollinators. Grass clippings also provide your lawn with all the nitrogen it needs. Click the oval to see the handout.

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